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Extraordinary: A Definition

     What is extraordinary? You can think of examples: a brilliant sunset, a newborn baby, washing the dishes with a song in your heart.

     But what makes these things extraordinary? What defines the extra-ordinary?

     It's the ordinary made special that makes us collectively catch our breath. Everyday things made uniquely beautiful to us in that moment.

     And we can't describe it.

     Because although sunsets are beautiful, they happen every single day. What makes this one extraordinary? That newborn baby is simply how every life on this planet begins. How does holding one in your arms become the most serene moment in your life? What makes washing the dishes, the most mundane activity, also one of the most magical?

     These ordinary moments, held in our hands with the bane and beauty of humanity, remind us of our mortality as well as all we have left to experience in this lifetime. We remember that this moment is sacred, that we only get so many sunsets. We smell the soft newborn scent and close our eyes to freeze the moment in our memories. The dishes will be finished soon, but we savor the teamwork as one washes and the other dries.

     In those moments, everything stills, and you hear the heartbeat. The pulse of the sun, the sleeping baby, the water pressure on your skin.

     And you realize it's the people you are surrounded by who make the moment more extraordinary than ordinary.



  1. Ohmygoodness Madeline. So so beautiful!

    " These ordinary moments, held in our hands with the bane and beauty of humanity, remind us of our mortality as well as all we have left to experience in this lifetime. We remember that this moment is sacred, that we only get so many sunsets. "

    Wow. Thank you for giving feelings words, and reminding us to cherish seemingly ordinary things.

    elissa //

    1. Thank you, Elissa! I am simply testifying to God's goodness!

  2. Aghhhh I love this!!

    " And you realize it's the people you are surrounded by who make the moment more extraordinary than ordinary." SO MUCH YES.


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