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On My Birthday

     I feel like I've been waiting for this my whole life. It's such a strange feeling to try to capture with words. I've been ready for sixteen. I've been waiting. It doesn't sound too old. It sounds just right. It sounds very me.
     And now I'm here...blinking in the starlight...Disney, anyone? But for reals. I am 5'4". I am a teenager. I am in high school. And I am sixteen.
     Sweet sixteen. Sassy sixteen. Serendipitous sixteen.

     I can sing "I am sixteen going on seventeen" without technically lying.

     So this is what it feels like. It all comes down to two words. Delayed gratification. My anticipation of this year of my life has been healthy. I have only 365 days of being sixteen. And today is Day One.

     Day one of the rest of my life. Day one of remembering to live this year to its fullest. Day one of being me.

     It's not really different. It's the calling of something different that makes it different. It's the calling of something special that makes it special.

     To most, June 18th is just another day.

     But to me and Blake Shelton (my celeb b-day buddy) it's special because we make it special.

     What's my birthday wish? If I told you, it wouldn't come true! Haven't you ever seen a Disney movie?


P.S. More about my party next week!


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