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Books With Unique Elements

     Post no. 2 in the miniseries "The Book Club."

     Narration is great. Third or first person plus telling a story in the same old "this happened, then this, then this, then this" is fine. But books with real twists, different POVs (that's point-of-views), and other thematic elements really make me giddy.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak ~ Narrated by death. Nothing could be creepier. Good job, Markus.

I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith ~ Journal entries by a young aspiring writer that tell the stories of her family and love life.

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie ~ You are clueless until the very, very last pages. But then your mind is blown.

1984 by George Orwell ~ If we're being honest, this book isn't long, but it's boring. Nevertheless, the themes and truths ring true. The last scene will send shivers up your spine.

Love Does by Bob Goff ~ The only non-fiction book on this list, but the good stories and short morals are fun and fresh.

     I look forward to exploring more books with unique element in the future. They're my favorite! I want to read some that tell the story backwards, that blow my mind, that make me ache for more, and that approach things from a new angle.

     Note: At least the first two books mentioned in this post are PG-13. So be careful and choosy if you need to be.



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