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How to Be Book Nerdy


     The best way to have a better reading life is to be nerdy about it on occasion.

     How to be book nerdy? We've addressed some, but I have more for you today. This is basically a collection of my own "You know you're a book nerd when..." memes. :)

     The signs of a book nerd?
  • You take a book with you everywhere.
  • You read instead of watching tv.
  • You use books as a conversation starter.
  • You relish the pleasure of your new books.
  • You talk about books constantly.
  • You consider reading your hobby.
  • You act like you work at the library or bookstore as you tidy up the books.
  • You dream of the day a stranger asks for your advice on what book to get.
  • You smell old books.
  • You whisper "I'll come back for you," to all the books you can't buy today.
  • You lend your books to others.
  • You take good care of your books.
  • You take good care of others' books.
  • You research authors.
  • You read all the books your favorite author has ever written.
  • You strain to see the books in every bookish photo.
  • All your friends are readers.
  • You stay up thinking of what is going to happen next in the book you're reading.
     Challenge for today: Answer this question in the comments below: What book-nerdy things do you do?


This post is part of my 31 Days to a Better Reading Life series.


  1. 1. My friends are readers. 2. I happily loan out my books. 3. I use a book as a doorstop. 4. I take good care of my books. 5. I enjoy giving books as gifts.

  2. I dream about my book and make up different endings.


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