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What Do I Actually Need for College?

     My word for 2018 is adventure. I love the aesthetic as well as the practical side of packing up and going somewhere.

     This weekend, I'll throw my three favorite tops and a pair of jeans in my backpack to return home for the first time this semester.

     I haven't seen my family since they brought the last of my stuff up to my room and hugged me quickly, so we wouldn't cry. It's sophomore year, but my heart hasn't yet learned how to say goodbye without grieving in some capacity.

     The other days of the year, when I'm not going home, my backpack holds some essentials to get me through my classes. This is especially important for the days where I leave the room and don't come back until after dinner.

     Besides textbooks and notebook paper, here are the necessities you'll need in your backpack once you're living on a college campus.

Les Essentials Pour Le College Career (pardon mon Franklish)

1. A sturdy backpack with lots of pockets and compartments (not one of those one-pouchers). I carry this one. Pro tip: put all of the following items in the same place in your backpack every time; then they'll have a "home" and be easy to locate.

2. A thermos water bottle. It works for hot or cold drinks, and I always carry mine around and fill it with water between classes or in the cafeteria. I have this one from Amazon.

3. Your phone with a stick-on cardholder. This is what I grab when I don't need my backpack to go somewhere. It keeps my debit card, student ID, and room key together, and, of course, I never go anywhere without my phone, so it's the perfect way to remember everything else.

4. A strong pencil pouch that won't show pencil marks. I got this cloth one from Strand Bookstore in NYC on my senior trip. It's made from a thick material that will hold up, and it's a bit sassy, which always makes me smile. Fill this with all the colored pens you can and one or two good quality mechanical pencils (the lead of no. 2 pencils will break in your bag).

5. A mini stapler. You and everyone in your class will need this at some point, and you'll be the prepared one. Just be generous with staples, and you'll have dozens of new friends!

6. A Tide To-Go pen (or three). My friends literally text me while in class to get this from me. It's the instant stain remover that you don't think you'll need until you spill something on your pants right before a presentation. It comes in this three pack, so keep one in your backpack, one in your dorm, and one in your purse.

7. AfterBite: The Itch Eraser. This stuff is magical! It makes the itchiness of your bug bite go away almost instantly. I'm not bitten often, but when I am, I sprint for my backpack and rub this on it. If you're the Mom friend like I am, this is a must as well!

8. Tylenol. You never know when a pounding headache will strike in class or your friend will be in desperate need of pain relief while you're out. Tylenol or Advil will do the trick.

9. Sunglasses. I'm taking a walking class this semester, and the sun is blinding. But even if you're just crossing campus on foot, it's nice to be able to see the face of the person three feet in front of you. ;)

10. Earbuds. I like to keep these in my pencil pouch, so they'll be handy for studying in the library or watching Netflix during my downtime.

     Tada! It rounded out to an even ten. You may not think you need all of these, but none of them take up too much space. And I have found them to be essential throughout my freshman year and the first part of sophomore year.

     What would you add, college students (former, current, or future)?



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